Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Self Tanner Catastrophies

I consider myself to have pale skin.
I, like many others, believe that being tan is a beautiful thing.
I won't lie to you I have used a tanning bed on occasion, but over the past few years I have used several different tanners.

In this post I will not go into detail about what self tanners are the most amazing or which ones I truly dreaded.

In today's I will be talking about the things that can go wrong.

Because I was in a wedding Friday afternoon in San Fransciso, I had gotten a spray tan that morning. As all the bridesmaids were finishing their mascara, we began to talk about self tan.

As we compared annoying problems we had experienced, one of the girls complained about something I have never experienced. She says the color appears everywhere on her body except for her legs! They just don't seem to want to get bronzed.
Have any of you experienced this issue? What problems have you faced when using self tanner? Let me know in the comments below!

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